



Stand Up Comedy

Driving Beater Cars

Prime Time Fellowship

Music and Comedy An evening with the 50+ Ministry at White River Christian Church in Noblesville, IN Music & Comedy 50+ Ministry at White River Christian Church This was it -- my first official "stand-up" gig. I've felt the calling and the desire to do this for...

Faith and Ministry

$150 Blessing

The $150 Blessing A reminder that God's ways are always better than our own. After a long road of searching for a place for Erica to live after getting out of jail, we had finally found her a place -- but there was a small detail of 2 nights that were not accounted...

Walmart Christmas Miracle

The Walmart Christmas Miracle The Story of how God works through His people to love others. I remember the night like it was yesterday. It was the 6th and final session of ALPHA with the higher-security population of the Hamilton County Jail. Through a series of...

God Sent Me To Jail

God Sent Me to Jail The Story of how God Called me to Jail Ministry I still remember when our church launched a jail ministry. I worked in church office at the time and I remember running the announcements in the bulletin about sign-up and training. "That's not for...

Jesus Calling

Jesus Calling Seek God's will and He will make a way! This goes back to a course of events set in motion YEARS ago when a dear friend shared in a women's Bible study group I'm in about the book, "Jesus Calling." The book, a daily devotional, is genuinely inspired by...