



Stand Up Comedy

Driving Beater Cars

Prime Time Fellowship

Music and Comedy An evening with the 50+ Ministry at White River Christian Church in Noblesville, IN Music & Comedy 50+ Ministry at White River Christian Church This was it -- my first official "stand-up" gig. I've felt the calling and the desire to do this for...

Faith and Ministry

Walmart Christmas Miracle

The Walmart Christmas Miracle The Story of how God works through His people to love others. I remember the night like it was yesterday. It was the 6th and final session of ALPHA with the higher-security population of the Hamilton County Jail. Through a series of...

$150 Blessing

The $150 Blessing A reminder that God's ways are always better than our own. After a long road of searching for a place for Erica to live after getting out of jail, we had finally found her a place -- but there was a small detail of 2 nights that were not accounted...

God Sent Me To Jail

God Sent Me to Jail The Story of how God Called me to Jail Ministry I still remember when our church launched a jail ministry. I worked in church office at the time and I remember running the announcements in the bulletin about sign-up and training. "That's not for...

Jesus Calling

Jesus Calling Seek God's will and He will make a way! This goes back to a course of events set in motion YEARS ago when a dear friend shared in a women's Bible study group I'm in about the book, "Jesus Calling." The book, a daily devotional, is genuinely inspired by...