by scorwin | Aug 30, 2017 | My Family, Stuff That Has Happened to Stacy
I owe my husband an apology. I recently handled a situation very badly. Not only did I fail to offer the support and encouragement he deserves, but I behaved in a way that was directly opposite to how I should have. The realization exposed much more than a problem with my attitude toward my husband, though.
It revealed a deficiency in my spirit and a sin that still has a grip on me: pride. (more…)
by scorwin | Aug 28, 2017 | My Faith, Prison Ministry, Stuff That Has Happened to Stacy
Often, during one of our jail ministry sessions, one particular inmate out of the group will catch my eye. We had 12 ladies in our group tonight, but one drew my attention, though she was in the opposite corner of the room from me. (more…)
by scorwin | Aug 21, 2017 | Stuff That Has Happened to Stacy
At the beginning of 2017, I set a goal to donate blood as many times as possible this year. A healthy person can safely donate blood every 8 weeks or 6 times per calendar year. After the chaos of the holidays subsided, I donated my first pint of the year on January 7, 2017 and 3 more since (so far this year). (more…)
by scorwin | Aug 10, 2017 | My Faith, My Family, Prison Ministry, Stuff That Has Happened to Stacy
I post a lot about jail ministry, but not nearly enough about how my wonderful husband, David, supports me in it. He just spent over an hour setting up a trac phone, leaving in the middle to go get some more data and minutes for it. He’s getting really good at setting these up because it isn’t the first time he has done that for one of the women who have moved to Hamilton County Community Corrections with nothing. (more…)
by scorwin | Aug 7, 2017 | Funny (and Possibly Inappropriate), My Family, Stuff That Has Happened to Stacy
Do you know someone whose house is always spotless and ready for company? Do you wonder, “How on earth does she do it?” Do you wish your home could be perfect, too?
I followed a dozen women whose homes always look like magazine covers and discovered several behavior patterns — things most of these women do every single day. Try incorporating some or all of these into your daily routine and in no time, I’m sure your house will be your pride and joy as well.
by scorwin | Jul 2, 2017 | My Faith, Prison Ministry, Stuff That Has Happened to Stacy
I wouldn’t name her — I respect her privacy and admire her humility too much — but heavy on my heart tonight is an incredible member of our jail ministry team. We’ll just call her J. (more…)