by scorwin | Aug 31, 2016 | My Faith, Prison Ministry
I haven’t posted a lot about jail ministry lately — maybe because I’ve been a little burned out and a LOT worn out. When the busy-ness of life becomes overbearing, it’s easy for even things we love to be relegated to “just another commitment,” or thought of as, “just another thing I have to do.”
I love jail ministry with everything in me, but lately I’ve been so busy with life that I’ve felt drained. I’ve been praying that God would rekindle my spirit and return my joy. I wanted my passion back. (more…)
by scorwin | Mar 18, 2016 | My Faith, Prison Ministry, Stuff That Has Happened to Stacy
Lately, I’ve been asking myself why I do what I do. I’ve been so tired, burdened with some projects that are kicking my butt and stressing me out, and just feeling like it’s too much. (more…)
by scorwin | Dec 16, 2015 | My Faith, Prison Ministry, Stuff That Has Happened to Stacy
Sometimes, I’m struck with inspiration when at the jail ministry that surprises even me. There are those women who challenge us — they don’t want to drop the facade or let anyone in.
by scorwin | Oct 9, 2015 | My Faith, Prison Ministry, Stuff That Has Happened to Stacy
This morning I visited a woman in jail who found out just yesterday that she’s being let out on work release. She was excited to be getting a little more freedom, but she was anxious because she has no clothes, toiletries, or anything. She doesn’t even have a coat and she will be walking to work. (more…)
by scorwin | Jul 7, 2015 | My Faith, Prison Ministry, Stuff That Has Happened to Stacy
I often write of the incredible ways God has allowed me to work with Him in ministry. He presents opportunities regularly and once in a while, I just happen to be paying enough attention to notice and act on them. I share these stories not out of a desire to garner recognition for myself, but only to bring glory and honor to God. He brilliantly orchestrates these perfect situations where we can share the love of Christ — if we take advantage of the opportunity. Last week, I failed miserably and it has been eating at me ever since. (more…)
by scorwin | Jun 29, 2015 | My Faith, Prison Ministry, Stuff That Has Happened to Stacy
Thinking back on my days of church camp at Camp Christian in Houston, OH, memories of the nightly campfire jump to mind. One of the songs we always sang around the campfire was, “They’ll Know We Are Christians.” If you’ve ever sat around a campfire at church camp, then that song is already going through your head (and will be for the rest of the day — you’re welcome.) (more…)