Good Friday
Contemplating Good Friday, I wonder what role I would have played had I been in Jerusalem that day. (more…)
Contemplating Good Friday, I wonder what role I would have played had I been in Jerusalem that day. (more…)
Why is it so easy for me to believe that God created the universe, parted the waters of the Red Sea, raised Lazarus from the dead, and on and on and on, but the idea that He could miraculously tuck some extra books onto my bookshelf is too far-fetched to even consider?
I’ve quipped before that if I ever get to the point in my life that I cease to be amazed by the beauty of glorious sunrises and sunsets, then I’ve lived too long. Whether in the morning when heading out to start my car or in the evening on the way home from work, I can’t count how many times I have been stopped in my tracks, met with the indescribable beauty of the colors and the majesty that is the sun hanging low in the sky. And I probably have hundreds of photos of these spectacles in my phone — some taken from my street, some taken with my phone precariously perched against the window of my car — none doing justice to the beauty that can only be truly appreciated by the naked eye.
I’ve written about this before, but apparently I still haven’t really learned the lesson in my heart. Living like Christ is a constant struggle to suppress my human weakness and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. For me, that means I must resist my strong urge for fairness or justice. I don’t mean those things — fairness and justice — in a good way, but more in a karma kind of way. I’m a strong “J” (judging) personality, but if I’m filled with the Holy Spirit, then I will meet others with grace and forgiveness. I will not repay someone who wrongs me as he or she might rightfully deserve, I will heap grace and forgiveness on him. That is what it means to be like Christ. And I’m still learning…
In the last few years, I have discovered and embraced the incredible power of simple hand-written notes to enrich the lives of others. Every summer when I was a little girl, my parents and grandparents would send me hand-written notes and cards while I was at summer camp. They continued when I went away to school and these have become cherished treasures I keep in my hope chest to this day. In a world of text messages, email, and social media, hand-written notes and cards have become rare — endangered, even — and at risk of extinction. So I’m fighting back to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Columbine. Sandy Hook. Virginia Tech. Parkland. Santa Fe. Noblesville.
They are the names of schools and towns forever burned into our memory by the horrifying bond they share — the experience of an active shooter situation. And now, the place my family has called home for over 15 years, the place we chose to raise our daughter, has joined the dubious list. On Friday, May 25, 2018, just a week before the end of the school year, Noblesville West Middle School was the scene of a code red, active shooter. I joined those in my community, praying, as details leaked out over social media and network news. (more…)